Sunday, November 7, 2010

What's this all about?

You know how you hear a song and it hits you in a certain internal place and in just the right way that the song becomes a part of you? It won't leave you has become one with who you are. It is just embedded inside of you, it resonates with everything you feel and how you see the becomes your personal anthem. Well, the same thing happened to me.

Usually ex-boyfriends are good for nothing *$!#$% (no, I'm not referring to a swear word, but you can if you'd like). Well, a couple of relationships ago my ex-boyfriend introduced me to an artist by the name of John Prine. I fell in love with him immediately. John Prine that is, not the ex. Okay, you got me. I fell in love with the ex too. When we were dating, I dedicated one of John Prine's songs to him and do you know what? Even after all this time after the break up, I can't get that darn chorus out of my mind! That chorus, Same Thing Happened to Me, has been playing in my head for way too long now-it won't leave me alone! I'm not talking about the last couple of weeks, nor am I talking about the last couple of months. I'm talking about the last couple of years!

As you might understand this would drive any of us crazy. Quite honestly it was really beginning to bug me. You know, wear on the 'ole "moving on with my life now!" last nerve.

Then, one day I had a thought. What if this chorus wouldn't leave me for a reason? What if it was was trying to get my attention for a reason? I decided to really listen to the lyrics and you know what I discovered? The lyrics really are NOT that profound; however, the chorus really stuck with me and I found my answer there. I realized that there are women out there who have had similar experiences, who feel similar things, and who have similar dreams. We can say to each other, "Hey, the same thing happened to me!"

You know what I'm talking about. We were raised with a dream, groomed for a purpose, prepared to meet our Knight in Shining Armor and to be carried off into the sunset on his white horse to our castle where we were to live happily ever after. Suddenly, we woke up and realized we've been dropped on know, behinds in a cloud of dust and debris. We shake our heads and try to regain perspective and ask ourselves, "What the heck happened?"

Bruised, broken, bandaged and brave, we stand. We brush ourselves off and we walk on with heads held high....maybe with a little limp now or a quivering lip at times, but still we are strong and we move forward, determined to rise above the dust we just ate.

We are obviously different in so many. Our backgrounds, ethnicity, life experiences, size, shape and how we make our way in this world are all unique. However, we are the same in so many ways too.

If you are a never been married LDS woman between the ages of 30-45 years, I bet we are more alike than different. This blog is my attempt to connect us. I think we could all use a few laughs. I know I could! So, if you have some stories to share, please share with us! I know we'd all love to hear! (Keep names and details private please)

The good, the bad, the ugly, the humorous are all welcome here...I'm referring to the stories!

Maybe that chorus will leave me alone now!


1 comment:

  1. Yeah I found your blog!!! I love it, love the post I hate it when you get songs stuck in your head and can't get it out, especially when you really don't want it in your head. I miss you can't wait to see you during xmas. Now check out my blog
